So i've been thinking. 'Cause my parents are getting older. My dad likes to say he's in his sunset years, and it won't be too long before he hits his 8th decade.
And my parents came out last fall, which was great, and quite nice of them to take that trip on their own shoulders. i think i should be a better son and spend more time w/ them, despite my own enviro efforts to avoid flying.
Well the iching never lies. (Really, if you ever have an unsolvable problem, the iching is your inexorable connection w/ the Universe. So i asked it if i should visit my parents this year. It said:
13. People Together
People together in the open country.
It is beneficial to cross the big river.
Benefiting the noble one's persistence.
Together with people in a neutral place (not a passionate connection with someone). There is progress. This is a good time for big undertakings. It benefits one's objectives.
(No changing lines.)
She don't get more clear than that. So i guess i'll be heading back to Canada sometime before 2013.
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