My brother has sworn by the i ching for some time. It's a bit like tarot cards, but its of chinese origin, and it involves the tossing of sticks (traditionally) or more commonly the tossing (spinning) of coins to represent hexagrams. It takes 18 spins, and then you can punch the results into a website, which serves up the reading from the book.
i have generally abstained from using it simply because i rarely have questions i want answered that time won't serve up the answer for sooner or later anyhow.
i recently have found myself in some uncertain waters.
Hence i used the i ching to at least let me know if i was reading a situation wrong or if the action i was considering was misled.
Anyhow, the reading i got looked to be SPOT ON. Although i did chk in w/ my bro to make sure i wasn't misinterpreting it. Later, Q confirmed that it was a strangely accurate description of a situation.
Sorry to hold bk the entirety of the situation, but i just wanted to report that the reading really let me relax about something which ordinarily would seem to be serious cause for concern.
i checked in w/ it one other time, and the reading was less obvious: took more time to tease the meaning out, but yet again, the reading was totally appropriate, and a positive confirmation about what i was thinking of.
So. If you find yrself w/ a question, you may try this out.
i do wonder about how it works. Is the I ching god different from the Tarot god? Carl Jung used it extensively and he postulated that synchronicity was its mechanism.
Feel free to drop me a line, if you want any more details about how to use it. Since now that i've used it a whopping two times, i'm obviously an expert.
pic from http://www.zaporacle.com
1 comment:
hey blood...
i would posit that all divination tools (of which there are a great many) work fundamentally the same way. they give room for your intuition to interpret. if you get high and look at the clouds, and see images, those are images are your subconscious projected, and they can give great answers.
admittedly, the theory gets more complex when you're dealing with a specific interpretation from someone other than yourself, but to that end i'd suggest that Jung was on the money when he suggests that they reflect the universe's natural synchronicities.
so though i would say all divination tools are based on the same principles, they do vary significantly in execution and one must find which tool works best for them. the most important thing though is to acknowledge that they can in fact be extremely effective, especially as contemporary western civilization is over invested in the rational mind, which is limited to say the least.
peace out
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