Yup, Qianqian got her visa!
All systems go.
Tix booked.
Itinerary is liquid, but hopefully will start congealing before long.
Roughly: 1/2 time in AB w/ the parents, roughly 1/2 time in BC w/ friends.
Possibly ok w/ places to crash, possibly not.
If you are possibly open to having me and Q stay with you and entertain you with wild tales of life in exotic locations, offers would be most welcome.
Other than that here's what's planned:
- hang out w/ my bro and parents in Calgary
- a canoe camping trip w/ friend Elise.
- Wreck Beach
- Sooke (possibly more camping, or at least an overnighter on some beach or something).
- Midnight Mass bike ride: i hope that's still going...
- DIYDharma meditation group
- Maybe Whistler (more for the ride than the destination)
Other than that, just wanna meet up w/ lots of friends, hang out, drink organic coffee, smoke BC bud, ride around, etc.
Oh, and from Calgary, Q will hit Montreal for a week.
Stoked to eat back bacon and drink lots of Molson Canadian!
That's about it.
Let me know if you want anything from China.
Like porcelain. Over here, we call it "china". Go figure. Or chinese smokes. No opium, sorry. Too much border hassles. bootleg dvds? Maybe but they might not play in Canada. Other things, no prob, drop me a line.
Lurkers, feel free to drop me a line, we can connect. Ha.
Say, did you know since i came to China, i started using f'ing emoticons a lot? Really i have. What can you do :P Oh well.
Look fwd to meeting up w/ peeps.
Thanks for hangin' in there w/ me and my f'ing more and more sparsely posted blogs. what a guy.